Introduction & Contacts

Greetings to the relatives and friends of the families of June Young and Wilma Tharp. Please feel free to send us suggestions about this site. MORE IMPORTANT .... send us pictures, STORIES, audio, video, etc. Wewould love to have as many stories related to the family as possible. They provide the mythology we leave for our children. They are an invaluable legacy and we would love to collect and publish all that we can. If you don't have any from your family yet, WRITE about yourselves, you lives, your parents, brothers, sisters. Really, this stuff is so important. We are who we are, in part, because of who are ancestors were.

If possible we need them in electronic form, e-mail is fine for text, any file format is OK for pictures, contact us about how to transfer them if you need to. If you have pictures you can send them and we will scan them in. It would be helpfull to have a self addressed return envelope with them. Audio tapes or typed text is OK but we can't promise when wewill get them typed in.
If you want to help with this site, that would be great also. If you have a family site, we would be happy to put a link to it from this page as well.

Blessings to you and yours.

BTW - I have some audio and video material that I don't have space for on my site. I do not have a very sophisticated capture or edit system for audio but it is in digital form so if you can edit it or clean it up you are welcome to. Let me know if you are interested in any of this material



Contact Us:
Victor and Ike Young
Your Name 
Your e m a i l 
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